Another blog post by yours truly on @wprealm .. Are your plugins secure?
RT @WPRealm: From WP Startup…
RT @WPRealm: From WP Startup to Hiring Your First Employee
Yay! I received a random…
Yay! I received a random out of the blue email thanking me for the help I've given the WP community 🙂 Small gestures mean a lot it seems.
@jarledb $10 is chump change.…
@jarledb $10 is chump change. Thanks for fishing out the info. 🙂
@jarledb Ohhh, unlimited forwards on…
@jarledb Ohhh, unlimited forwards on google apps would be very handy 🙂
@jarledb I think there’s a…
@jarledb I think there's a limit to how many accounts you get for free. Plus requires routing it all through gMail. We just need forwarders.
@jarledb Yes, I use gMail.…
@jarledb Yes, I use gMail. Not sure what your question is in relation to though.
I’ve made my recent medical…
I've made my recent medical investigation public for anyone who may be interested …
@konstruktors Blargh, grammar/spelling has lost…
@konstruktors Blargh, grammar/spelling has lost me for the evening.
@konstruktors I use a native…
@konstruktors I use a native application on my phablet anyway, so not to worried about that.
@konstruktors Ahhhhhh! I thought you…
@konstruktors Ahhhhhh! I thought you were talking about Facebook performing medical stuff. I confused easily.
@konstruktors Facebook aint touchin’ nuffink…
@konstruktors Facebook aint touchin' nuffink of mine!
@konstruktors WTF?
@konstruktors WTF?
I’m thinking I should stop…
I'm thinking I should stop evangelising Facebook this evening. I don't even like that damned company! In fact, they're kinda evil.
I was too sick to…
I was too sick to do much, so I'd have just lied there feeling sorry for myself and maybe died if it wasn't for Facebook. @jmuenster
Posted symptoms on Facebook once…
Posted symptoms on Facebook once & my friend Rachel picked me up 5 min later. Almost ended up sliced open for appendectomy then. @jmuenster
I’ve used Facebook for medical…
I've used Facebook for medical advice multiple times now. Works great 🙂 @jmuenster
TweetDeck just updated. Everything looks…
TweetDeck just updated. Everything looks bigger and fatter, yet cleaner at the same time.
Thank the almighty gods for…
Thank the almighty gods for Facebook. Without it would have no reliable source of medical advice.
I’m getting really really sick…
I'm getting really really sick of dealing with email hosting this week. I know nothing about it and want to wash my hands of it!
I need a hosted mail…
I need a hosted mail system which will let me forward emails to other addresses. Any ideas on a cheap solution for that?
1x highly productive day at…
1x highly productive day at work completed 🙂 It feels great to accomplish a lot in a short space of time.
Google Multi-fac Auth is way…
Google Multi-fac Auth is way easier than it was. I haven't had ANY problems!!! The WordPress plugin is much better too
@andrea_r Hmmm, tempting. That had…
@andrea_r Hmmm, tempting. That had better be a damned good cake though!
@andrea_r I think I’ll stick…
@andrea_r I think I'll stick with chilling out here 😉
Damn I’m efficient! I had…
Damn I'm efficient! I had a freakin' massive TODO list two days ago. Now, that list is almost totally demolished 😀
@keithdsouza Bummer. Hope the bride…
@keithdsouza Bummer. Hope the bride is okay with you bumping for an F1 race.
@pearsonified Have people been using…
@pearsonified Have people been using Feedburner because they thought it was the "safe route"? If so, they must be very stupid people.
@pearsonified I’ve been saying that…
@pearsonified I've been saying that for years. People should have realised the risks when they decided to use a hosted feed service.
@adampickering_ I was disappointed with…
@adampickering_ I was disappointed with CloudFront too until I used @blitz_io on it and found my load times plummeted.
@adampickering_ Have you tried ramping…
@adampickering_ Have you tried ramping up the traffic and then testing the speeds? Amazon CloudFront seems to go faster with more traffic.
@Krogsgard I solved it by…
@Krogsgard I solved it by making the child theme the parent theme. Functionality was a bit hard to move into a plugin.
@Krogsgard Templates and functionality.
@Krogsgard Templates and functionality.
@Rarst I heard it was…
@Rarst I heard it was a custom built thing.
@perricollins I pitched a blog…
@perricollins I pitched a blog post to @wprealm about it, so you may find I've written a blog post on the topic in the next few weeks 🙂
@bluelimemedia I am 100% convinced…
@bluelimemedia I am 100% convinced that responsive is perfect sometimes and that custom themes are perfect other times. Depends on situation
@perricollins Yes, I had to…
@perricollins Yes, I had to write a plugin to do it.
@bluelimemedia Ahhh, I see. Excellent…
@bluelimemedia Ahhh, I see. Excellent idea. I should definitely write something about that.
@williamsba If it’s just CSS,…
@williamsba If it's just CSS, I'd have got them to use the Safe CSS plugin.
@bluelimemedia Grandchild themes? Not likely.…
@bluelimemedia Grandchild themes? Not likely. I really don't like the concept.
@williamsba I’m surprised you’ve ever…
@williamsba I'm surprised you've ever found a use for such a thing
@williamsba @ryancduff I don’t consider…
@williamsba @ryancduff I don't consider that a grandchild theme, that's just a different CSS file. I need to make actual template changes.
I figured out how to…
I figured out how to force mobile devices to load specific child themes without bugginess … @phenomenoodle
Has anyone out there tried…
Has anyone out there tried to use a child theme for a mobile version of their site? I'm trying, but failing.
@phenomenoodle That code is not…
@phenomenoodle That code is not working properly with a child theme 🙁 add_filter('template', 'change_theme');
@Tarendai Instead of a build…
@Tarendai Instead of a build case, I'll probably stick with smacking the developer on the back of the head next time I see them.
@Tarendai Tool = text editor,…
@Tarendai Tool = text editor, instructions = remove "template". Done 🙂
@Tarendai @BoweFrankema I removed “template”…
@Tarendai @BoweFrankema I removed "template" in the style.css file. Theme still works just fine 🙂 So much for "Twenty Eleven" child 😉
@Tarendai I may just un-child…
@Tarendai I may just un-child theme the child theme. It has almost ALL of it's own template files anyway. It's a stupid child theme.
@Tarendai @BoweFrankema Child themes make…
@Tarendai @BoweFrankema Child themes make it easier though.
@BoweFrankema I think I’ll just…
@BoweFrankema I think I'll just need to work around this issue, perhaps by jamming everything in the regular child theme.
@Tarendai I haven’t made a…
@Tarendai I haven't made a mistake, the person who made the thing I need to child theme made a mistake by also making it a child theme 😉
It seems that grandchild themes…
It seems that grandchild themes do work, but they're not supported by core and buggy. Thanks to @BoweFrankema @ryancduff @Tarendai for input
@ryancduff Some muppet set…
@ryancduff Some muppet set me up with a child theme of Twenty Eleven which I now want to make a mobile child theme for.
@ryancduff It’s the “not legit”…
@ryancduff It's the "not legit" issue that concerns me.
@no_fear_inc I don’t think I’ll…
@no_fear_inc I don't think I'll be giving birth to a child of a child any time soon.
@Tarendai Thanks. Last time I’d…
@Tarendai Thanks. Last time I'd heard, it was a similar situation.
Hmm, WordPress grandchild theme!? Is…
Hmm, WordPress grandchild theme!? Is it possible?
@phenomenoodle Yeah, I needed to…
@phenomenoodle Yeah, I needed to change the complete theme. Seems to be working well now 🙂
My critical failing was trying…
My critical failing was trying to change themes from within an existing theme. Bit like swallowing the red pill @phenomenoodle
Answer to my mobile theme…
Answer to my mobile theme question earlier was add_filter('template', 'change_theme') @phenomenoodle
@phenomenoodle Unfortunately not. It’s the…
@phenomenoodle Unfortunately not. It's the changing of themes that I'm stuck on.
@SunleyNZ The ugly cat offsets…
@SunleyNZ The ugly cat offsets the rainbow and sparkles quite nicely.
Sometimes the simplest things are…
Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest for me. How oh how do I force WordPress to use a different theme when browsing via mobile?
@mrjakehumphrey I’d have thought logic…
@mrjakehumphrey I'd have thought logic would dictate that is a good idea. Some people are not very logical it seems.
@SunleyNZ I’m not sure if…
@SunleyNZ I'm not sure if that's a joke or not. Is it supposed to be a 404 error poster?
@SunleyNZ You are terrible at…
@SunleyNZ You are terrible at making posters. That's half the job done. Now go see @five15design for the other half please 🙂
@AKiwiInGermany I’ve been planning to…
@AKiwiInGermany I've been planning to go visit my friend Stefanie who also lives near Dusseldorf.
@PShilling Yep, @rarst found the…
@PShilling Yep, @rarst found the solution immediately.
@TurcuCiprian Yes, I was referring…
@TurcuCiprian Yes, I was referring to the search query. It's the get_search_query() function
@xpd Nope, thanks anyway though.…
@xpd Nope, thanks anyway though. @Rarst found it –
@Rarst Thanks :) I knew…
@Rarst Thanks 🙂 I knew it had to be something really obvious.
I could swear there is…
I could swear there is a function in WordPress which outputs the contents of the WP search string. Any ideas what it's called?
@AKiwiInGermany I have a spare…
@AKiwiInGermany I have a spare bed you are welcome to use if you visit Norway.
@AKiwiInGermany I love Germany so…
@AKiwiInGermany I love Germany so will definitely be visiting at some point. Where in Germany are you? I live in Oslo now.
How many WordPress developers does…
How many WordPress developers does it take to add the "Update" button to the WP post edit screen. Three so far. More on the way …
@pearsonified It’s a minor improvement.…
@pearsonified It's a minor improvement. But 20 ms on desktop could easily be +100 ms on a low powered mobile device which is significant.
@pearsonified Sounds like a sensible…
@pearsonified Sounds like a sensible way to do it.
@pearsonified Ohhh, interesting! You should…
@pearsonified Ohhh, interesting! You should post your test results. Sounds like an interesting experiment.
@pearsonified Are you sure you…
@pearsonified Are you sure you aren't just measuring the difference in file sizes? ie: large CSS file takes longer to load than a small one?
@pearsonified How do you measure…
@pearsonified How do you measure the rendering time? I can measure load times, but I've never thought about actual rendering times before.
@pearsonified Thanks. Sounded like you…
@pearsonified Thanks. Sounded like you were doing some sort of on the fly compiling of CSS files, which would have been slower.
@pearsonified What one earth does…
@pearsonified What one earth does "Thesis templates compile faster" mean?
Apparently I am “The “aha”…
Apparently I am "The “aha” blogger" @Krogsgard
@sabreuse @JellyBeen I did find…
@sabreuse @JellyBeen I did find it very odd when they asked me what a cog was.
@andrea_r Do you have a…
@andrea_r Do you have a use for the domain?
@JellyBeen I guess they just…
@JellyBeen I guess they just call them "gears" over there.
@JellyBeen Nope, just the gear/machine…
@JellyBeen Nope, just the gear/machine part. I asked in the WP weekly aftershow about it ages back. None of Americans knew what it meant.
@JellyBeen Me too. I was…
@JellyBeen Me too. I was planning to use it, but it seems that USA people don't know what a cog is.
Who wants It’s about…
Who wants It's about to expire and I need to get rid of it.
Lolz RT @andrea_r forum thread:…
Lolz RT @andrea_r forum thread: " Help me Obi Wan! You're my only hope!" Me : " here's the droid you;re looking for"
@no_fear_inc Very soon too I…
@no_fear_inc Very soon too I believe 🙂
@no_fear_inc You should definitely write…
@no_fear_inc You should definitely write about WordCamp Sofia on WP Realm 🙂 I wanna read about it!
@Jghazally I think people should…
@Jghazally I think people should use whatever works best for them. Personally, I like simplicity and a good search and replace tool.
@Jghazally VIM? Jeepers. Hard core.
@Jghazally VIM? Jeepers. Hard core.
@ormanclark Oddly, some other theme…
@ormanclark Oddly, some other theme companies do use publicly available download links.
@omrisancho The update plugin? You…
@omrisancho The update plugin? You can also use SVN with a Cron job, that's what I do.
@zamoose @williamsba BAAAAAAA! … for…
@zamoose @williamsba BAAAAAAA! … for some reason that makes me feel at home.
@GaryPendergast My colleague @konstruktors might…
@GaryPendergast My colleague @konstruktors might have some good ideas for it too.